Consider how you can use the PLN interactions of this course to further your digital identity post-term. What does it mean to have a digital identity in your industry of choice and can your current PLN be used to help professional development post-course? Additionally, as you progress through the steps of your career, can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?
Starting to use a Personal Learning Network indicates an individual is developing own digital identity through exploring new knowledge and connecting with other people. I will continuously use PLN interactions in my post-term for gaining more knowledge and opinions from different people and aspects. People with various gender, sex, social experience, living enviornment, relationship will directly lead to a differ value of thing. It’s advantageous to view perspectives from different regions. Meanwhile, obtaining a digital identity in the industry can help people recognize who you are. What you post online and share with the public will build a unique digital identity. It not only describes personal information including name, gender, age, but also it contains personal interest through each clicking on the site and topic. Professional development post-course also need PLN to build and process, as students use social media to recognize and communicate with each other in the course. It is critical to understand then utilize professional PLN. My current professional PLN should always be updated to fully match my future course. This is a process which needs to be frequently altered and updated
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