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Blog Post #5

“The people around you have a wealth of information” Wood stated this opinion in 2013. It also raises a question about how to engage in a topic with unfamiliar people or strangers? Based on my previous experience, Twitter acts as an effective communicating way for strangers to interact. Hashtag (#) is one of the methods to connect with other people online. Individuals are encouraged to use hashtag on Twitter to start a conversation or join an existing forum. “If someone you follow tweets something interesting, tweet an insight back. ” This is a useful method to rapidly construct relationships and gain insights from different points. People may reply to others when facing an interesting topic or in a particular area which you are familiar with. Proactively learning online leads to optimistic learning outcomes. “These conversations are important because they’re another way to trigger insights from others”. Effectively and efficiently using social media such as Twitter and facebook would help us to create our own Personal Learning Network.


Woods, Bianca. “Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network.” T+D, vol. 67, no. 11, Nov. 2013, p. 70+. Gale OneFile: Business, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A348998538/ITBC?u=uvictoria&sid=ITBC&xid=1010abdf.

1 Comment

  1. Shehaan Johar

    Hi Yi Yan,

    I agree, twitter is a space where people can amplify their voice by the use of hashtags and fitting into a niche category. When considering your existing PLN, are there any platforms that are your chosen platforms?

    I mainly use linkedIn for professional communications and instagram and facebook for personal communications.

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