EDCI 338-Yi Yan

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Blog Post #1

When heard about PLN or Personal Learning Network, most people will directly link people, education, and online together. PLN, as a new terminology produced from network learning, represents a style of personal online studying. This process is not formal, because people may learn new things through social media besides newspapers, TV, or books. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google provides good platforms for individuals to communicate and share opinions. The meaning of using social media to form a network can group people, creating more interactions, even though in different regions or countries. People with the same or similar interest will communicate together to share and argue meaningful thoughts, which also benefits education. 

From the articles posted, three purposes of PLN include build, maintain, and activate connections (Rajagopal et al.). The first purpose is building connections, for example, some people are interested in learning French and they may join the same zoom meeting which is posted on the French website. This is the first step, adding more people together to learn new knowledge. The second purpose is maintaining connections. From my perspective, an online forum helps to group and maintain people with the same interest. The last one, which is the most important purpose, is to activate connections. People with supported resources should research more related information under that topic, realizing self-study motivations. For example, on Twitter, people are encouraged to use the hashtag to express their thoughts or ideas. It is a good opportunity for viewers to learn various voices and attitudes. With different voices online, viewers may be motivated to search for new knowledge or topic, promoting a process of continuously studying. 

When people communicate online, some potential risks would occur such as privacy problems. In the process of using social media, users could leak their private information unintentionally. This information could be collected to create patterns for political and business purposes. For example, Bowker stated that classification schemes were used in the apartheid South Africa to define its people’s life according to race. Incidents like this still occur nowadays, there were lots of political advertisements on Facebook before elections and political decisions. (e.g., U.S. election, Britain leaving the EU) Therefore, we should always be cautious of the information that we may receive when browsing online and using social media. 


Future Learn. What Is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)? www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/learning-network-age/0/steps/24644.

Gutierrez, Karla. What Are Personal Learning Networks? https://www.shiftelearning.com/blog/personal-learning-networks

Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. View of Understanding Personal Learning Networks: Their Structure, Content and the Networking Skills Needed to Optimally Use Them: First Monday. firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3559/3131.

Surveillance & Society. Networked Privacy. ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/networked/networked. 

My Brief Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Yi Yan (Carrie). Nice to meet you all!.

I’m the third-year student in HINF program. Hope to work with you in the future. I love to watch movies with my family on weekends and, in my spare time, I prefer to do some exercises such as swimming and hiking. Due to Covid-19, I backed to my country and currently stayed in China, which is a beautiful country. It is also a good chance for an educator to realize the importance of social media on education in this pandemic context and the impact of personalized learning, which is truly meaningful nowadays.

Thank you!

Here is the hiking photo taken in Whistler!

This photo was taken by Yi Yan

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options:

  1. Do you want to be online vs. offline?
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  3. Do you want to have your blog public vs. private? (Note, you can set individual blog posts private or password protected or have an entire blog set to private)
  4. Have you considered whether you are posting within or outside of Canada? This blog on opened.ca is hosted within Canada. That said, any public blog posts can have its content aggregated/curated onto social networks outside of Canada.

First tasks you might explore with your new blog:

  • Go into its admin panel found by adding /wp-admin at the end of your blog’s URL
  • Add new category or tags to organize your blog posts – found under “Posts” (but do not remove the pre-existing “edci338” category).
  • See if your blog posts are appearing on the course website (you must have the the edci338 category assigned to a post first and have provided your instructor with your blog URL)
  • Add pages, if you like.
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  • Under Dashboard/Appearance,
    • Select your preferred website theme and customize to your preferences (New title, new header image, etc.)
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  • Delete this starter post (or switch it to draft status if you want to keep it for reference)

Do consider creating categories for each course that you take should you wish to document your learning (or from professional learning activities outside of formal courses). Keep note, however, that you may wish to rename the label of the course category in menus (e.g., as we did where it shows “Social Media & PL” as the label for the “edci338” category menu.  This will enable readers not familiar with university course numbers to understand what to expect in the contents.

Lastly, as always, be aware of the FIPPA as it relates to privacy and share only those names/images that you have consent to use or are otherwise public figures. When in doubt, ask us.

Please also review the resources from our course website for getting started with blogging:

Test Social Media Post

This post  will appear in a few places:

  1. in the blog feed on the front of your website
  2. in the Learning Design menu on your website. This is because we have applied the “edci338” category to this post and the menu item “Social Media & Personalized Learning” has been created from the category “edci338.” For every post you make for this course, please assign the “edci338” category to it. You are welcome to use this blog for your personal hobbies or for other courses, in which case, you could create additional menu items and categories for them.
  3. if you give permission, your posts categorized “edci338” will be aggregated onto the Blog Feed on the EDCI 338 Course Website.

Feel free to delete this post once you understand this. If you have any questions, please reach out to your instructor.

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